Friday, April 6, 2012

Extracting a subset of records in ArcMap 10

If you are looking to subsample your data by extracting a set number of records (i.e., every sixth record), use the script below in the field calculator of ArcMap 10.

Pre-Logic Script Code:

[name of field]=

The example above will extract every sixth record.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

In String for Excel

For some reason, Excel doesn't have a built-in function to query whether a string contains a specified second string. Luckily, the joys of VB allow us to do so.

In Excel, under the Developer tab, click "Visual Basic." In the left-hand pane, right-click "VBAProject ()" > Insert > Module. Paste the below snippet into the main pane and save. Now you can call this function into Excel just as you would any other.

Function InstrE(start As Integer, examine As String, lookFor As String) As Integer

InstrE = InStr(start, examine, lookFor)

End Function